Courtney Pham
Hello, I'm Courtney!
I am a fellow curious musician and firm supporter of the whole musician (the idea that music involves other elements such as mindset and body awareness). My favorite part about making music is community. I love making music with others, for others. Because of this, I have performed in many different groups ranging from full orchestra, various small chamber ensembles, and even Celtic ensemble just to name a few!
Throughout my career I found myself constantly frustrated. Despite how much I loved music and how hard I worked at it, I was told constantly that I wouldn't make it because I wasn’t “good enough”. All this negativity stumped both my self esteem and my motivation to practice and get better. How I saw myself musically eventually bled into my personal life. It took me a couple YEARS after graduating from my masters to come to realize that perfectionism isn't real. There isn't just one right way to play the flute. I am a great musician and a fantastic teacher.
I believe that confidence and curiosity creates a space for us to grow to our full potential. I am a strong advocate for growth mindset. We pursue music because we love it not because we hate it. Why not embrace every step of the journey with joy and compassion?